LRMIS is a system which is used to record the details of land parcels and land owners in Benadir Region and calculate their land tax, annually based on the land details entered. Annual invoices will be generated and payments against these invoices can be tracked through the system.
Different type of reports can also be generated for the data stored in the system.

The dashboard gives a view of the entire system.

Registration Process:
Initially all data entered is considered as partial until the land owner verifies the details personally. All Land owner details and their land parcel details are entered in the system. Data can be entered in the system manually by a user or through excel import. We can also keep track of pending house from neighbourhoods that are yet to be registered in the system.

Billing Process:
After the registration process, land owners are invoiced for the financial year based on the partial data we enter. These invoices are then sent across to all the land owners. The land owner comes to the district office and verifies and updates any details if needed and then makes a payment for the invoice, while their current photograph will be taken. If the owner is not present then someone on their behalf can submit the documents and the owner’s photo will be scanned from a physical copy. The land owner and the land parcels are then approved in the system and considered as real data so the system will create ID card is prepared owner and parcel with unique account number.

 Accounts Receivable:
We have two sections under this.
Debtor invoices which show us all the invoices that are paid and the invoices that is yet to be paid.
Payments for the invoices can be made in this section. Debtor Payments which show us all the invoices
that have been paid along with the payment receipt and have two reconciliations.
Reconcile Card and Reconcile Lands

system have different reports can be generated for payments, invoices, collections, registered land owners,
zone statements and ID cards.
These reports can be exported to PDF and excel as well.